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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Parents Christmas Gifts

Each year my students create ornaments to give to their parents for Christmas.  I use a pipe cleaner and tri beads.  I used to let the children pick 2 different colors, but this year I missed seeing the usual red and green tri beads.  I divided my students into small groups and they made a pattern using red and green tri beads.

Once they completed their pattern, I twisted the pipe cleaner together to make a circle.  I then added a ribbon hanger and a tiny bow.  I attached their picture to a piece of green felt and hot glued it to the back of the circle to make it look like a wreath.
Here are the completed wreaths minus the pictures.
I am off to finish the rest of the gifts because tomorrow is our last day before our winter break begins.  We will be performing our song, "I want to be an Elf" and then they will take their gifts home to their families.
Happy Holidays!!

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